domingo, 14 de julio de 2013

Doom II (curse)

How to feel when nothing is what it seems?
how to feel when a "forever" was supposed to be "beyond this life too"?. 

Time when my judge is just a weak blind soul; who gave me the best moments of my life but also the worst ones.
From the most kind gentleman to the most cruel hangman.

 A sublime voice that gave me from the happiest smiles to the saddest tears
the only one who could make me touch the heaven, but also could make me feel the fire of hell burning every inch of my skin.

 Since the first time you appeared in my dreams, I lost my head; waking the darkest desires inside me, wishing your lips taking my life, wishing your hands taking my heart, wishing your body making me yours, wishing your eyes taking my soul...

In the end I'm alone, awake... no dreams, gray reality.
In the end your words are your doom and my mind is my curse.  

1 comentario:

  1. Your days will get brighter, your heart stronger and in the end you will succeed! ♥
